Address: 888 S Roselle Rd Schaumburg, IL 60193-3965

The Story of The Big Barn Preschool
The Big Barn Preschool, located at 888 S Roselle Rd in Schaumburg, IL, was established in 2007, but it has a history that goes back many years. Before the building had a church and a preschool, it housed cattle and other animals. It was an actual barn on a working farm.
The Stratford Farm
Although it is unclear exactly when the farm started, it is known to have existed before 1913. At that time, it was home to Guernsey dairy cows. It was around that time that a man named Levy Mayer bought the farm. Mr. Meyer was a prominent Chicago attorney and real estate mogul. Most notably, he was part owner of the Stratford Hotel in Chicago.
It was from that hotel that came the inspiration for the rural property’s new name, “Stratford Farm.” These two properties shared more than just their names. They also had a unique reciprocal relationship. Each day, food waste from the hotel would be sent via train to the farm to feed the pigs. Likewise, chicken, eggs, and milk from the farm would be sent to the hotel for use in their kitchen. Mr. Meyer was not the only famous Chicagoan to own the Stratford Farm.

The Ranch
After being sold twice, the Stratford Farm had a new life as a ranch to the famous big band leader and television personality Wayne King, known as America’s Waltz King, who bought it in 1951. He built the sprawling ranch house in front of the barn, which now contains the Gifts of the World gift shop and Transitions Counseling Center.
During those years, the area was still rural, believe it or not, and this was Mr. King’s country retreat. It was here where he rehearsed with his band in the house’s large living room, and here, it is said that he even recorded some of his records.
Mr. King also used the barn for a different kind of cattle called Black Angus, which is bred for beef. The stalls for these massive animals were in the section of the barn that is now the preschool, and the upper level, which is now the church sanctuary, was the haymow, where hay was stored to feed them.

The Church
Years later, in 1988, the house was used as a home and chiropractor’s office. The barn was neglected and deteriorating when the property was purchased by Christ Community Mennonite Church. For over ten years, the house served as the church building. But, this young, small congregation hoped that something could be made of the historic barn, one of only a couple left in the community that had been settled long ago by farmers from Schaumburg, Germany.
The church had several engineering studies done to determine if the barn was structurally sound enough to be renovated. The good news came back that the project was plausible, and in 2000, the renovations began.
The School
Today, The Big Barn Preschool is known as a very small school with a family environment. We have staff that stay here in the school and do not have any turnover.
All Children Deserve Respect
Our philosophy at The Big Barn Preschool is that all children deserve respect, provide important contributions, and are driven to learn and grow. We believe our expectations as the adults in a child’s life and the environment they live and learn in shape who they will become. Our primary goal
is to enable children to develop a positive self-image through:
Mission Statement
The Big Barn Preschool provides a loving and nurturing learning environment that enhances intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. Children, who are special gifts from God, are to be loved, respected, and offered challenges that foster interactive learning. Our goal is to collaborate with parents to help develop their child’s sense of independence and positive self-image.
Our Vision
The vision starts from what could grow out of Mennonite beliefs. In addition to providing a place for worship and Sunday school, it was also important to serve the community in whatever ways the church could. Because the need for safe, wholesome, and affordable preschools is always a concern and because there is nothing more precious than our children, the choice was made. The idea for The Big Barn Preschool was born.
But first, there was a barn to renovate. Architect Jeff Whyte of Schaumburg created for us a design that was not only good and practical, but also beautiful. A call for help went out, and, in true Mennonite fashion, people came together to “raise a barn.”
A Mennonite men’s organization awarded $50,000 to the church to help with the building project. Additionally, a Semi-retired Mennonite building contractor in Albany, OR, volunteered to come to Schaumburg to be the project manager. He spent nearly three years supervising the work. And then, there were more volunteers. People from the local community, as well as others from Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, and Kansas, came to help as well. It was a big job, but in 2005, our doors opened, and a very old barn had a new lease on life.
Now, we could get down to organizing a preschool. A board of persons who shared the vision was formed. It was important that this nonprofit enterprise would be affordable for families and that our staff would be outstanding. We looked forward to welcoming children from all religious, economic, and ethnic backgrounds.
At The Big Barn Preschool, we would treat children and teach them to treat others with respect and care and resolve conflicts with peaceful solutions, as is the Mennonite way. All the children would be given a head start in life, both academically and socially, in a nurturing environment to help them ultimately achieve their full potential.
As we approach our 10th anniversary, we are blessed to say that The Big Barn Preschool is everything we had hoped it to be and more. We thank God for blessing its development and for all the persons, staff, board, and volunteers who have helped to make it such a wonderful place for children.